This is the time when you should be honing in on what you are planning for next year. Sure, in corporations they are getting their budgets done in October, but I know small businesses and they are thinking about it now. You just got through the holiday rush and you need to figure out where you are going. There are three essential needs:
A Budget - you need to take a hard look at your books (or get an accountant asap!)
Marketing Plan - this doesn't need to be fancy. Just figure out where you are going to focus your time and your money to try to get your best bang. Did you want to try radio? Thinking of Facebook advertising? Sponsoring an upcoming event? Put a rough plan together and that will help you to stay focused when the sales people come knocking on your door.
Goals - without goals you are just pinging from one thing to another. Your goals can be huge or they can be modest, it is up to you. What needs to happen is that you are consistently working on them, excited about them, and seeing them pan out. Set 3 and feel like your business is moving forward. Some ideas could be; take a class to learn a new skill, hire an employee, move your location, start internet marketing, start a blog, go to a trade show, join a local business group, or expand your offering.
You have the opportunity to make next year amazing - start off feeling like you are on the right path. Start with a plan, and allow yourself the flexibility to know that some things will work out great and others, not so great. That is ok. You are growing and changing - and hopefully excited about all the new year has to offer.