This is from my personal blog, but fits in with every small buisness person I know. Start celebrating the good.
I think it is time that all of us started rejoicing in the good that happens in our lives. The big good and the little good. What happens is that we have huge plans to keep journals, write in a gratitude journal, blog, etc. The truth? We get busy and the good stuff just blends in with the everyday stuff.
Let's make it easier.
When something good happens write it down quickly on a piece of paper - any paper and put it in a jar. Put the date if that matters to you. Don't get hung up on the right kind of paper or the right kind of good thing. Just include stuff that happens that makes you smile, even if just a little. At the end of the year you will have lots of little scraps of paper to read through to remember that the year wasn't so bad after all.
To make your own jar download a set of my lids and instruction cards (there is a set for you and one for a friend). Cut them out on the lines provided. Put them inside the bands of canning jars. I used a half gallon jar, but any jar would work.
Since 2008 our family has been choosing a theme and we may still, but I have also been choosing words for myself. Sometimes those words have great meaning all year or they fade out. This year the word FOCUS just kept sticking into my mind. I am easily distracted sometimes. By people, ideas, opportunities, moods, etc and this year, instead, I want to focus.
I want to focus writing.
I want to focus on design.
I want to focus on taking better photos.
I want to focus on meditation.
I want to focus on doing embroidery as my one craft.
I want to focus on my relationship with my husband.
I want to focus on diving deeply into simple living.
I want to focus on doing good work.
It seems like a lot to focus on, but really they are all things I want to bring attention to in my life. Not to get all new agey, but I truly believe where we spend our time is where we see success. It is a pretty simple formula.
I am considering doing the one little word project, or going it alone. Either way I am excited to bring focus into my life this year and see where it takes me.
This is the time when you should be honing in on what you are planning for next year. Sure, in corporations they are getting their budgets done in October, but I know small businesses and they are thinking about it now. You just got through the holiday rush and you need to figure out where you are going. There are three essential needs:
A Budget - you need to take a hard look at your books (or get an accountant asap!)
Marketing Plan - this doesn't need to be fancy. Just figure out where you are going to focus your time and your money to try to get your best bang. Did you want to try radio? Thinking of Facebook advertising? Sponsoring an upcoming event? Put a rough plan together and that will help you to stay focused when the sales people come knocking on your door.
Goals - without goals you are just pinging from one thing to another. Your goals can be huge or they can be modest, it is up to you. What needs to happen is that you are consistently working on them, excited about them, and seeing them pan out. Set 3 and feel like your business is moving forward. Some ideas could be; take a class to learn a new skill, hire an employee, move your location, start internet marketing, start a blog, go to a trade show, join a local business group, or expand your offering.
You have the opportunity to make next year amazing - start off feeling like you are on the right path. Start with a plan, and allow yourself the flexibility to know that some things will work out great and others, not so great. That is ok. You are growing and changing - and hopefully excited about all the new year has to offer.
I have been thinking a lot about comparison, judging others, and not staying focused in our business/creative lives. Face it, we are distracted by the lure of social media, shopping sites, business round tables, what ever drives you away from creating your own personal magic. I believe there are a lot of reasons for that, but mostly it is fear.
What would happen if for several months we put our blinders on and created our own thing? We focused on what we were doing? We did what we were doing really well? I truly believe that we could all be doing something AMAZING.
We don't do that, and I am JUST AS GUILTY as you, because we are afraid of both failure and success. We don't hone into our true talent because what if we blow the roof off or the roof falls in.
So, how DO we do it? How do we shut off the noise and distractions if we are too afraid?
Small steps.
Start every single day with an intention to move yourself forward. It could be writing a blog post, spending a few hours on your craft, writing an amazing proposal, or just organizing your space to get ready. It doesn't have to be everything all at once, but if you start every day with a time and action dedicated to what you and your plans and do that well, you will see you move forward.
Stop comparing. Stop distracting yourself. Focus on doing your thing well. That's it. It isn't rocket science or brain surgery, although if those are your things I hope you are focusing on them! It is about shutting off the TV, Twitter, Facebook, other peoples blogs, other peoples stores, other peoples everything and focusing on what you can do today.
The reason you have to shut it all off is because the comparison of others will kill your drive. It is a slow slipperry slope towards doing nothing. And because of the ease of social media it is super easy to see how well everyone else seems to be doing. Here's the thing, they aren't showing you their messy days. Well, they might be because that might be their "thing"... but that is another story. What I mean is they are taking photos of their perfectly done cupcakes, tweeting about their rocking business lunch with a client, posting their conference speech on YouTube... they aren't showing you the day they blew the meeting, ruined the frosting, lost the job or got the rejection letter. So you are comparing yourself ONLY to thier very best. Not their very real self.
So, just stop and spend that time that you are envying them and dive into you and your projects. I promise that you will see success. Promise.
I heard recently from a friend that another person in business that they know often write or ask friends/family to write reviews on review sites for them.
They cheat.
Simple as that.
If you are loading your reviews up on sites like Yelp or TripAdvisor you are cheating the system. People want to read real reviews, not trumped up happy thoughts from your Aunt Alice.
What do you do then when you have multiple or even just one negative review on a site? First listen to the review. Is your customer service not as great as it should be? Are you not serving your clients as well as you could? Did the soup that day turn out how you wanted it to? If you aren't doing your best, make real changes. Respond the review, invite them back, tell them you changed.
If you think the reviewer was just crabby or you were just having a bad day, chalk it up to that. Respond nicely in the comments and move on. There is no reason to have it removed unless it is particularly vicious or just totally inaccurate.
These sites are built to make the consumer make better choices, but they can also be used to make your business better at what it does. Listen to the criticism and find the areas of improvement. Don't short cut. It won't help you or anyone else, and trust me, you will find yourself getting more of those bad reviews. Clean it up and get on track! See it as a way to get real feedback - not a reason to balk.