So, Paige, what system are you using now for keeping track of all you have to do? Online, paper, mix? My biggest problem right now is that I don't have a set system. I have a paper editorial calendar for the blog with movable sticky notes: I post daily so knowing what's coming is crucial. And I day "I have" but lately the more truthful statement is "I had"; since my foray to Fashion Week I've barely had time to breath so I simply put it on my Google Calendar and hope that it fits. Everything else goes onto my Google calendar (sometimes reminders are scheduled and sometimes I forget), my Teux Deux app, or occasionally my Notes app on my iPhone.
So, you have a lot of systems going on, but what really works for you to get stuff done? When I am feeling overwhelmed I generally get a pencil and a blank sheet of paper that I divide into separate boxes. Each box is a separate area of my life (photography job, assistant job, freelancing job, blog, wedding, family, housework, etc.) so that I get a full bird's eye view of what really is priority. By doing that, I also give myself permission to write down every single thing (even small, silly things like "get nails done" so that I am not plagued with the thought of, "There was something else." This total brain dump allows me to really see what is most manageable.
If you are using an online program or list can you explain what that is and how you made the switch to digital? I liked the thought that the Teux Deux app automatically updates tasks to the next day so I started putting all my "to-dos" in that program, which worked... until I realized I wasn't in the habit of consistently checking the app. This herded me back to my Google/ Gmail calendar (which has reminders) as well as pencil and paper.
What do you struggle with to get it all done? The fact that everything I am involved in has simliar elements but is totally separate. Example: I was checking out a Facebook application for my bosses photography business and learning different ways to incorporate it into our stream of information. During my research, another company that was using this same program caught my eye because it was vaguely related to the freelance work I do and then I was off learning about that company until I realized that while this was valuable to my over-all knowledge it was not helping me complete the task of research.
How do you reward yourself when you cross things off your list? When I was in grad school I would do something like "accomplish three things, reward of 30 minutes on the internet" but since all my work is somehow linked to a computer my "reward" became much less appealing. Now I have my "work" and "reward" mixed together: I tell myself, "You only get to go into your favorite coffee shop and enjoy that dirty chai latte if you work there for at least three hours." I think I'm keeping most local coffee shops running on my tab alone so apparently it's working.
Have you been successful at getting family or coworkers to adopt your to do strategy? Honestly, please see above. "I don't have a system!!" (Thankfully it's just me and my fiance at the moment so as long as we make a point to communicate loud and often, "Hey remember I have that meeting tomorrow night and won't be in til late." "Okay, don't forget we have that wedding on Friday." it works for us.)
What is one of the strangest, funniest, odd things that have been on your to do list in the past? Jewelry pops up on my list at a strangely frequent pace for a girl who consistently wear nothing more than a wedding ring. One time it was because I saw on Instagram that my favorite shop had gotten a new shipment of bracelets. The last couple of weeks it was because I was working with Mae's to borrow jewelry to wear to fashion week. Yesterday, it was for wedding pictures. I'm hoping something super fun like, "Pick up Sotheby's package (and the corresponding mysterious & wealthy donor/ supporter) from the post office," pops up on my to-do list soon.
More About Paige: Paige is the head honcho at the blog Approaching Joy where she writes and photographs about fashion, food, and anything that seems fun. (Okay, let's be honest: She's the only honcho, but it's okay because she's one of those people who digs alone time. If you adore pretty things, appreciate slighty self-depreciating humor, and have a propensity to enjoy the small things in life you are probably already her friend. If not check her out on Instagram at Twitter: @approaching_joy and her blog: