I have never been very good about sharing what I do. Some people hone thier resume with every single project, but I am much more apt to just move onto the next project. I also don't want to actually say everything I've done because it feels like I am bragging. I realize though, now at the ripe age of 42 soon to be 43, if I don't tell people what I do who will? The answer, my friends, is no one.
So for the last year I have been looking for a way to point people somewhere to share what I do in a fun, informative way that encompasses not only my work, but my philosophy of life. We are so much more than what we get paid to do.
Enter Vizify. A new, very new, graphic showcase of you and your life. It pulls data from LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and FourSquare. The premise is that you need to show not tell, and for this longtime creative that is the story I've been sharing for a long time. Music to my ears, so to speak.
The best part, is easy. You can customize the screens or just let it pull the data and be done with it. And to be honest, the animation on where you have lived/worked is enough to make me want to see yours, too.
Sure, there is LinkedIn, and that is valuable for sharing the nitty gritty of what we do with potential clients, partners and employers, but when you are looking for a way to easily show case the full picture of who you are Vizify does that beautifully. We are much more then our work history. We are our Facebook updates, our check in's, our Tweets, our photos and where we hail from. All of that makes up who we are and now, and with Vizify you can easily show it.
Granted, that brings up living your life transparently on the web, but that is for another discussion. Instead, let me share some super secret codes so you can get your very OWN Vizify! Use the code: jacquelinew
When you are done building yours; leave a link in the comments and I'll check it out. Show me your story, here's mine!