Are you trying to figure out who your ideal customer is? You should be. Sure, you can sell your product to anyone, but if you are purchasing advertising, looking to sponsor events, or just building your sales pitch you need to know who your product is geared too. Lisa Lights a Fire has a fun post where Carolyn Sewell took the idea and transferred it to a doodle sheet. Print, doodle, visualize your ideal customer. (Attention: this applies to crafters, bloggers, farmers, clothes designers, magazine editors, software developers... anyone doing anything that they are selling to other people.)
Over on Open they are talking about slogans with Scott Ginsberg. I love "Send love letters, not pitches" it is brilliant. You don't want to send nameless, faceless pitches blindly to people - you want to build a relationship where they are as into you as you are into them. Smart.
Last, Kelly Rae is offering her course Flying Lessons. She is one of the smartest art professionals I have watched over the years. She creates a product she loves, it connects to women immediately, and she has successfully built her business in ways that could be replicated - perhaps by you. I highly recommend at least reading the blog if you aren't into the course.