I have over 200 blogs in my Google Reader feed and it occurred to me that I should pass on some of that fabulousness here. So, on my Life blog I am sharing craft, art, design, cooking, etc and here I will share great posts I find about business, small towns, creativity and productivity.
I loved this post from Open about using Foursquare to boost business - the idea of creating a swarm sounds fantastic! I know that small businesses in areas where Foursquare is just bursting are wondering what to do with it, this just might help.
If you sit on a nonprofit board and you are struggling (who are we kidding, they all are) with raising capital this post from Fast Company is right on. The board is charged with raising funds. There, I said it. You can't just pretend that the money will fall from the sky - help your staff find the money and keep it flowing!
Lastly, because getting your creative juices flowing is so important and I am a HUGE FAN of Sharpie I wanted to share the Sharpie blog with you. When this rolls into my Reader I get so excited. The massive amounts of creativity that flow from the tip of these pens is amazing. Enjoy their new site!