A few days ago I posted a photo of my To Do list on Facebook and a good friend and colleague of mine couldn't believe that I do it on paper. By hand. In this day and age of electronic organization tools, I guess it does seem a bit old fashioned.
As I posted earlier, I have tried every kind of to do tool possible, and after 20 years have found that a hand written list is the very best to actually getting things done. I even offered mine as a download.
I thought though I should share a bit about the philosophy from a creative viewpoint - after all that is how I ultimately see my entire life, as a creative. (Must be the graphic design degree, years of designing collateral, creative work, etc.)
First: Creative Hands - Using your hands allows you to think differently then typing on a keyboard or inputing with your thumbs on your Android (iPhone, Blackberry, Palm, etc). You are able to connect to a part of your brain that is hardwired for movement, thinking, and creative thought.
A good friend of mine is a teacher and woodworker and has written extensively about using your hands - and how this is becoming a lost art to our children. The ideas derive from Sloyd, a Finnish system of handicraft-based education. He teaches the smallest children to use their hands (and very sharp tools) to make toys, boxes, etc. It is his work with adults though that I think is so fascinating - their reintroduction to using their hands is often a breakthrough in their thinking and creative process.
Those ideas, that you are connecting through your hands to your right brain allow my list to be more reflective of my work then a linear online list can ever be.
Second: Crossing It Off - there is nothing more satisfying then actually crossing an item off your list. It feels great. It feels as if you actually accomplished something. My husband laughs at me when I "finish" the laundry - he says there is no finishing because we always have more - and he is right. We always have more of everything, but writing down the tasks associated with projects allows us to see some light at the end of the tunnel and crossing it off is like arriving at a point on the destination.
Third: Limiting Possibilities - Usually, as a creative person, I am boundless to the possibilities of any project, idea, or concept. The reality is that we need to get stuff done! We can't live in the never ending land of ideas. The handwritten to do list, with a set number of lines says, "Jacqueline, this is all you could possibly do today." I might not even get all of that done, but it puts some reality to the day allowing me to focus.
Here is a great post on the David Allen (of GTD Fame) blog from a reader: This was a revelation. It was the first time I felt that I could control my work world. Up to that point, my work, and my interests had been controlling me." This is HUGE! It shows how we need to set boundaries, find control, and allow us the ability to manage our time.
It might be old fashioned, but it works. Try it for a week and let me know how your written to do list makes a difference in your busy life! You can use any piece of paper, any pen, any system - but try it and see the difference it makes in your life.