It seems that there is always something to distract me from what I
really want/need/should be doing. I am no different than a crow - the
shiny things seem to always win out. That said, I am working to create
more space in my life to feel and experience rather than just filling
up time with stuff. My biggest time wasters are email, Facebook,
Twitter, and TV. All electronic toys that used right can be extremely
beneficial, but how I find myself using them is to avoid doing other
things. Let's break them down one by one:
Email - I use email extensively for my work as a nonprofit executive director and marketing consultant. It is my primary communication tool. That said, is it healthy to be on it 8 hours a day? Can I really get all of the work done that I need to do if I am compulsively checking email throughout the day? Are the instant responses really necessary or can people wait while other work is being done? Gwen Bell talks about her new plan of 2010 to only check email once a day. She, like me, is a consultant. Unfortunately, I do not think I can be that extreme, but I can be less compulsive about it and turn it off in the evening.
What is your relationship with email? Do you think your business would suffer if you went on a bit of a break? Do you schedule non-email times? I'd love to hear your email strategies.
Tomorrow - Facebook and how it sucks me in and makes me post like a crazy woman.
Photo Credit: Biscotte