My beautiful Soul Mantra necklace came in from Liz Lamoreux's Etsy shop. I have, for years, made commitments to myself that, like most people, I have not kept. My thought, when I chose this simple piece, was that I could wear it everyday for a year reminding myself of my intention. Sometimes making something concrete helps galvanize it into your mind. Whether that happens or not, it is a beautiful thing to behold and wear.
Here thoughts on why she creates these are quite lovely and inspiring: "In the creative community I am a part of, many people choose a word for a year that becomes their theme. They use this word as a guide as they reflect on where they stand on their paths and where they want and hope to go. If you are drawn to this practice, I would be honored to create a custom one word necklace for you."
What word would you wear to guide you through your day, year, life?