I LOVE popcorn. Always have. The salt, the butter, the crunch. It is, by far, my favorite snack. The problem is the butter. I can't, and shouldn't, eat that much butter. So, I have been looking for an alternative. Ta da! Coconut oil. It gives it a different, but not bad taste. Tropical and subtle. Not like olive oil, which is too overpowering for the popcorn. I suppose, but have no evidence, that coconut oil is better for you than butter. Please let that be the case because I love it.
From WebMD: "Coconut oil is better than butter and trans fats but not as good as liquid vegetable oils," says Penn State University cardiovascular nutrition researcher Penny Kris-Etherton, PhD, RD.
Heat one tablespoon of coconut oil in a heavy pan. It is hard, but you should be able to scoop it out of the jar with a spoon. By the way, I purchase my coconut oil at our local natural foods market, but maybe the larger grocery stores carry it now.
When the oil is melted put in three kernels of organic popcorn. I love popcorn so much that we buy this directly from the UNFI Truck in 50 pound bags and go through 2 bags per year. I prefer yellow kernels rather than white because it pops larger.
When the three kernels have popped it is time to add the 1/3 cup of kernels. Drop them in the pot and cover. My husband insists that I shake my hips when I shake the popcorn over the burner, but that isn't really necessary. Then again, if I am going to eat all this popcorn I might as well move a little before hand.
When the kernels are done popping salt and place in a bowl of your choice. Salt when it is hot or the salt won't stick which is the whole point of oil or butter in the first place.
Settle in to watch your favorite show, read a book or just enjoy the crisp crunch of a salty snack.