It was a quiet weekend, by design. Resting, eating good food, reading a bit, and massacring the squash bug population. Ok, that wasn't quiet, but I hate those little bastards. They just haven't evolved enough to understand that you can't eat the host and survive yourself. It is an annoying lack of understanding of how to be a parasite. You can live on my squash plants if you a) do not kill my squash and b) do not kill the plants that you are residing on. Because they are not yet developed enough to understand that concept I ripped out my beautiful squash plants; once again vowing to never plant squash again. Until next year the sweet allure of how robust and easily they grow gets to me.
The painting? My husband is forever trying to get me to draw, paint, create something so he set up my easle on the screened in porch and I did this little still life.