I'm sorry. These may possibly be the best words of a marriage. Or in any relationship. If someone is willing to say they are sorry there are good things happening. It is when we get stubborn, indignant, or callous that sorry doesn't happen.
We have been having a tremendous amount of stress at our house. The roof is leaking, the gutters are splashing water back on the house, the concrete got wet when it was supposed to be dry, we have to come up with an inordinate amount of money for our daughters scheduled dental care... on and on.
This can make a family a little crabby - as stated the other day. But to say I'm sorry, it isn't you, it really is me - makes it all so much better. We all have different capacities to handle things and we all reach our breaking point at different times. This week, my husband and I, just happened to reach it at the same time. All I can say is, thank goodness for rainbows and sorry. They make the world a better place.
Photo I took driving on the highway home. Yes, I know I shouldn't shoot photos and drive, but I am a serious Rainbow Spotter!