Last night we were sitting on the couch decompressing from our stressful weekend when out of the corner of my eye I notice that our cat, Emmy, is playing with something behind the door to the porch. The door is open because we have been painting it for the last two weeks and because the weather has been phenomenal.
I watch her for a few seconds when I see a snake slither out from behind the door on to the porch.
"There's a snake on the door frame."
"On the door frame."
This was not calm... this was two people who grew up in Southern California and then lived in the Bay Area trying to figure out what to do with a snake in their house. In the house... that we live in... where we sleep.
Ozark living - it is like no other place. I swear that in our 114 year old house I am just beating back nature, and obviously not winning.
The week before there was a huge spider crawling across the floor. Usually, we will move them out, but this was moving fast and my husband smashed it with his hand - only to have a hundred baby spiders jump off its back.
It was like a freaking science fiction movie. Creepy.
I finally looked online and it was a wolf spider. See photo - not of our spider because we weren't in a photographing mode. They carry their children on their backs... good to know. Next time we are swooping any spider outside.
Or maybe, just maybe, there won't be another spider and I can have my house to myself. Ha!