Pirate King by Laurie R. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I always want my Laurie King books to go slower, but I usually ruin it by reading throughout the day and into the night. Because I am caught up on all of her books I was anticipating this... and pirates... well, the anticipation was worth it and so were the pirates.
The novel itself is about the making of a film about making a film of a play - yes, a bit convoluted, but she understands that it is tricky and goes over it many times. The film crew is being investigated and, to find out, so are the pirates that get hired as, well, pirates.
All of that aside, it is King's own love for her character Mary Russell, the wife of Sherlock Holmes, that comes through so clearly. She endangers her, but never so thoroughly that she could become undone. She is smart, funny, self depreciating (she admits to being tone deaf) and filled with fire. So, although her predicament looks unlikely - she is able to deftly get out of any tight squeeze.
It is with this novel that I feel King is setting the readers up for what, eventually, has to come. The death of Holmes. Russell is so much younger then her beloved husband that there has to be a time that he does not appear at all in the series and although, he to is beloved, her time may be coming.
And I, for one, will keep reading. Now, unfortunately, I will have to wait until 2013 for the next installment.
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