As much as I want to be an open, caring, clear person I have quite a few pet peeves. Things I am not necessarily proud of, but none the less, get under my skin. Here are just a few:
Uninformed People: We are all uninformed in some areas, but it is particularly irritating when people proclaim something is one way or another when they have no clue about the reality. I find this a lot in the small town that I live in and it is extremely frustrating - and could be time consuming if I felt like I wanted to correct them. I don't want to though - they can either get informed or just - well - I can ignore them.
Stupid People: This sometimes falls into the Uninformed People, but more it just uneducated, inexperienced, clueless stupidity. Like Bill Maher says why does dumb represent "more American". Rapid stupidity is just frustrating and when it is waved around as more patriotic, etc it is infuriating.
Blind Followers: Granted I am a tried and true Democrat, but I am also critical of my own party. It is frustrating to me when people blindly follow anything. Weren't they, like I, raised with "Question Authority" as their mantra? Why follow any one religious leader, philosophy, belief, ideology... it only leads you down a very narrow path. Even worse, want ME to follow your damn idea through your badgering, shouting or legislating.
I have no patience for these things. I want to just wipe them out. I want to walk away screaming. If I get too upset I want to crawl in bed and not come out. When I was younger I wanted to argue with them, convince them, make them see that they are clueless/stupid/narrow minded. Now, I just want them to implode.
I know, not politically correct, and possibly narrow minded myself - but seriously when you look at these three specific areas they are holding humanity back. They get voted into office. They drive civilization to the common and not so inspiring arena. They slow evolution - so yep, I am less than loving about all of this. And because I don't believe in prayer there won't be any wishing that they see the light or gain a few brain cells - I will just work around them, learn to breathe calmly in the face of stupid, and keep going despite all efforts to derail. Exhausting.
Photo Credit: Followers on Flickr