This is the beginning of my felted tote bag. My Sparkly Girl and I went thrift shopping looking for 100% wool sweaters to make a tote bag. We only found one. It isn't the cutest thing... it is plaid, but it fit the criteria so we took it home and felted it in the washing machine. After scalding our hands in the oh so hot water we wrapped the felted sweater in a towel and left it to dry for three days.
Then on a Thursday evening after work I left the cooking to my darling and went upstairs to cut and sew away. It took about 20 minutes to complete. I did later add a felt heart and a grouping of buttons... to add a special touch. I have a thing about hearts and buttons. Ta da!
Here is a quick list of things on my mind: knitting a birthday crown for my dad's 78th birthday on Sunday, getting a birthday package together for My Sparkly Girl's special boy who is turning 16, sending out a package to my Yearly Swap Partner, cutting up my ceiling to expose more of the wood, painting on my canvases, stapling up new fairy lights under the kitchen cabinets, putting away my clothes, starting my own event coordination business, writing a book on party planning, making the perfect soup... just a few things.